


About Kyoritsu

Founding Academic Principle and History

Founding Academic Principle and History

Founding Academic Principle of Kyoritsu Women’s Educational Institution

In 1886, 34 leading academics, pioneers of women’s education in Japan at that time, established Kyoritsu Women’s Occupational Institute. The application document submitted to the Government gave “women’s self-reliance” as the objective of the proposed Institute, declaring that “Suitable jobs need to be created and women given the means to participate in the world of work.”

The core of the Institute’s curriculum was the knowledge and skills needed for career jobs. At the same time, the students were schooled in a culture of self-support. Our founding principle was “To improve women’s position in society by promoting self-reliance.” Kyoritsu Women’s Educational Institution has flourished for 126 years by abiding by this philosophy.

In 1928, the Institute became a professional college, shifting its primary focus from technical skills to more academic subjects.

In 1949, during the post-war educational reforms, the college became a university system, aiming to send women of superior capability out into society. We established our junior college and graduate school soon after.

Thus, while always keeping an eye on the future and seeking the path to continuing improvement on the basis of our founding principle, Kyoritsu has changed with the times to maintain its leading role in women’s education.

History of Kyoritsu

The founding of Kyoritsu marked the dawn of women’s education in Japan. After the Meiji Restoration in 1868, Japan embraced capitalism, modernized society and became competitive in the global economy. Our founders felt the need to promote human rights for women, to educate 19th century women in knowledge and skills, and to elevate their position in society.

Emperor Meiji, and later the Empress, visited the new school to see displays of the students’ work; they even purchased embroideries made by students. In time, due to increasing student numbers, additional space was required, and land adjoining the campus was purchased from the Imperial Household Agency.

Today, we can look back with pride on 125 years of trying to fulfill the founders’ ideals.

1886 March Kyoritsu Women’s Occupational Institute Established
1887 February School Moved to Kanda
1928 April kyoritsu Women’s Professional College Established
1949 April Faculty of Home Economics, Kyoritsu Women’s University Established
1950 April Department of Home Economics, Kyoritsu Women’s Junior College Established
1953 April University Faculty of Arts and Letters, Junior College Department of Language and Literature (Day and Evening Schools) Established
1955 April Graduate School of Arts and Letters MA Course, Nutritional Science Program and Catering Administration Program Established
1968 April Living Arts Program Established
1970 April New Hachioji Campus Building Number 1 Completed
1980 April Graduate School of Home Economics MA Course Established
1986 October Kyoritsu’s 100th Anniversary Celebrations
1989 April Home Economics Department Renamed Department of the Science of Living
1990 April Faculty of International Studies Established
1991-1995 Exchange Agreements with Seven Chinese Universities
1994 April Doctorate Course (in Human Life Science) in the Graduate School of Home Economics, and MA Course (in Comparative Culture) in the Graduate School of Comparative Culture Established
1996 October Kyoritsu’s 110th Anniversary Celebrations
Many guests from student-exchange universities in five overseas countries helped add an international flavor to ceremonies held at both the Kanda Hitotsubashi and Hachioji campuses.
2004 April Department of Nursing (Junior College) Established
2007 April Department of Child Studies Established in Faculty of Home Economics
Department of Architecture and Design Established in Faculty of Home Economics
Department of Arts and Letters Established in Faculty of Arts and Letters
Department of International Studies Established in Faculty of International Studies
2011 April MA Courses (in Architecture & Design Studies and in Child Studies)Established in the Graduate School of Home Economics, and MA Course (in International Studies)Established in the Graduate School of International Studies.
2013 Applications Halted for the Department of Nursing (Junior College).
2013 April Faculty of Nursing Established
2017 April MA Course (in Nursing Studies) Established in the Graduate School of Nursing
2020 April Department of Business Established in the Faculty of Business Studies
2023 April Applications Halted for the Department of Architecture and Design, Faculty of Home Economics Faculty of Architecture and Design Established