


About Kyoritsu

Message from the President

Message from the President

Kyoritsu Women's University consists of six faculties: Home Economics, Arts and Letters, International Studies, Nursing, Business Studies, and Architecture and Design. Kyoritsu Women's Junior College consists of two departments: Science of Living and Language and Literature. We have about five thousand at the university, and about a five hundred at the junior college.

Although our urban campus area is limited, we have active faculty members who cover broad academic fields in the natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities.

Our campus is situated in the center of Tokyo, just between the Imperial Palace and the world-famous secondhand-bookstore town of Jimbocho, a few minutes’ walk from each. It is an invigorating place to study and to reflect on Japan and the world, ancient and modern.

With the development of information technology, the world is getting smaller and smaller. We are required to be good citizens not only of the countries we belong to but also of the world, and that is the meaning of being international. To be international is to have an international mind. But it is our experience that develops our minds.

We are aiming to further friendship and understanding with foreign countries through practical actions as well as through academic studies. I hope our university system will be known throughout the world as one of the most excellent women's educational institutions.

Kiyoshi Kawakubo